Building bridges to new business opportunities.

Even in an age of instantaneous digital communications, nothing beats face-to-face interaction with key decision makers. Trade missions offer Washington State businesses the unique opportunity to get a foot in the door with business leaders and government officials that would be difficult to accomplish through traditional means.

Being part of these government-led delegations allows you to network directly with major players, take informative tours, establish partnerships and engage in business-to-business matchmaking sessions and key meetings. Supporting the state’s export strategy, these meetings are often led by the governor and other top-tier government officials and business leaders.

Past trade missions have established solid relationships and resulted in new orders for state businesses in China, South Korea, the U.K., France, Germany, Vietnam and India. Some company representatives who have gone on these missions have reported an immediate increase in new orders or the signing of key trade and partnership agreements that will create new business for years to come.

As a member of a delegation, you have the opportunity to identify new markets for your products and services, position your company as a potential partner, promote the value of your business to decision makers in key sectors such as aerospace, ICT, clean technology and life science/global health, find new leads and solidify new business for your company.

If you are interested in learning more about upcoming trade missions and how you can become part of an upcoming delegation, call us at (206) 256-6100 or speak directly with an export assistance expert that specializes in your business sector.

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