Andy Hill CARE Fund Assessment
CARE Fund made its first grant to support cancer research in 2017. Since then, CARE Fund has awarded 71 grants totaling more than $58 million. By establishing the CARE Fund, it was part of the legislature’s intent to “[c]reate jobs and encourage investments that will generate new tax revenues in our state, and advance the biotech, medical device, and health care information technology industries in Washington.” (Revised Code of Washington 43.348.005(2)(f))
ESI seeks a consultant to review and assess the economic impact, direct and indirect, of CARE Fund’s grantmaking in Washington State. Furthermore, the successful subcontractor will be asked to provide an analysis of the Life Science Sector, including the role of private and public life science research grantmakers, in Washington State and CARE Fund’s current position within this sector and recommendations for how CARE Fund could have significant, positive impacts in Washington State’s Life Science Sector as a public grantmaker.
The Economic Impact Assessment will be used to understand the economic impact of CARE Fund grantmaking and identify funding areas that may generate greater economic benefits. The Economic Impact Assessment may inform future cancer research funding opportunities in Washington State.
Request for Proposal
Proposals should be submitted via email, no later than April 8, 2024, 5:00 p.m. PT.
Services to Perform
The successful subcontractor will review CARE Fund grantmaking from December 1, 2017–June 30, 2023 and other background information, as necessary, to complete an Economic Impact Assessment of CARE Fund’s grantmaking impact in Washington State.
The final Economic Impact Assessment will include:
- An Executive Summary summarizing the key findings of the Economic Impact Assessment
- An estimate of short-term expenditure impacts
- Direct and indirect economic effects, that may include but is not limited to: outputs, value added, labor income, and jobs
- The impact of external factors on expenditure impacts including but not limited to: changes in regulation of the Life Sciences Sector in Washington and federal funding opportunities aligned with CARE Fund grantmaking programs
- A detailed description of the methodology used, including any limitations of the data used for the Economic Impact Assessment
- An overview of Washington State’s Life Science Sector and private and public life science research grantmakers and CARE Fund’s current position in each sector
- Recommendations for CARE Fund to increase its impact and effectiveness in supporting Washington State’s Life Science Sector
- Information Briefing Summary with CARE Fund staff to discuss the final Economic Impact Assessment
The final elements of the Economic Impact Assessment may be revised between CARE Fund and the successful subcontractor.
Interested in Applying?
Date Issued: March 21, 2024
Proposals Due: April 8, 2024, 5:00 p.m. PT
Estimated Term: The estimated term of this subcontract will be April 30–June 11, 2024.
Cost Proposal: Not to exceed $40,000.00
Contact Person: Peter Choi
Email: peter@wacarefund.org
If you are interested in this RFP, please submit your name and email address to the Contact Person listed above to request that your organization receive any addenda and question-and-answer documents. In the event it becomes necessary to revise or clarify any part of this RFP, addenda will be provided via email to all individuals who have made the Contact Person aware of their interest in this RFP. The addenda may also be published on CARE Fund’s and ESI’s website.
office hours
M-F: 8am – 5pm
2001 Sixth Ave., Suite 2600, Seattle, WA 98121
(206) 256-6100