Jun 11, 2018 | Manufacturing
Rumpelstiltskin may have known how to spin straw into gold, but a new plant being built in Washington State knows something about spinning straw into gold too. Technically, it’s pulp, but the new $184 million pulp mill near Dayton promises to be a gold mine...
May 22, 2018 | Why Washington?
Aer Lingus is the latest international carrier to recognize Washington’s role as an international economic powerhouse. The airline has launched its much anticipated weekly direct service from Seattle to Dublin four days a week. Dublin had been the largest...
May 17, 2018 | Life Science/Global Health
While an actual cure for cancer may still be years away, researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle believe it is within reach. Building on their pioneering work in blood cancers that brought the world bone marrow transplantation, The Hutch...
May 10, 2018 | Why Washington?
Traveling to Washington State is pretty straightforward these days. But a century or more ago, it took a real pioneer spirit to endure the travails of traveling across the continent, a spirit of exploration and curiousity that has left its indelible mark upon the...
May 8, 2018 | Why Washington?
The place Anthony Bourdain once said “was one of the first cities in America to embrace chefs and new restaurant ideas, to loudly celebrate their local ingredients and local producers,” Seattle can now claim a James Beard Award recipient for Best New...