Blockchain Workgroup
The purpose of the Washington Blockchain Work Group is to examine various potential applications of and policies for blockchain technology including, but not limited to, applications in computing, banking and other financial services, the real estate transaction process, health care, supply chain management, higher education, identity verification, and public recordkeeping to help attract and support employees and new businesses with a supportive ecosystem.
The work group shall submit a report to the governor and the appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1, 2023, on potential uses and impacts of blockchain, including impacts on existing industries, utilities, demand for electricity, and demand for computer processing capacity, and recommended policies that will facilitate the development of blockchain applications and the sector overall in Washington, grow the related workforce, evaluate environmental advantages and concerns, make Washington a favorable place to do business, address racial equity considerations, and improve the lives of Washington residents.
Workgroup Inaugural Meeting
DATE: Dec 1, 2022
TIME: 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Connect with one of our ICT experts.
Businesses in the state have been instrumental in putting a cellphone in one hand and latte in the other, ushered in the age of personal computing, and redefined what it means to go to the “store.”
If you’re looking for a dynamic, can-do culture of creativity where top talent can step right in and turn out amazing products and services that redefine the world, Washington is waiting for you. Whether you’re a one-person startup bent on reinventing online entertainment or a multinational firm that wants to expand or invest in the U.S., our business experts in Washington State’s Department of Commerce are here to help. We’ll be happy to help you take the next steps, answer all your questions and lend you our expertise so you can gain the competitive edge.
Call us at (206) 256-6100 or email one of our business experts below to learn more about our thriving information and communication technology sector and how Washington is leading the way in finding innovative solutions to tomorrow’s challenges.
ICT Sector Team
Radi Simeonova, Managing Director, Business Development – (206) 256-6114
Julie Monahan, ICT Development Manager, Export Assistance Team – Phone: (206) 256-6147