Mar 9, 2018 | Culture of Creativity
When it comes to being artistic and boasting a rich culture of creativity, Washington State is hard to beat. The other Washington with all its museums took top honors in the U.S. Commerce Department’s annual report on arts and culture economies, but Washington...
Mar 6, 2018 | Culture of Creativity, Innovation
Washington invents a lot of stuff. But some of our inventions are could-haves instead of should-haves. Such is the case with the electric bass guitar. While Fender likes to claim all the fame for inventing the bass guitar, the credit really goes to Paul Tutmarc, a...
Feb 22, 2018 | Culture of Creativity, Manufacturing
The clock is ticking on the 10,000 Year Clock. The clock, which is being built deep inside a mountain in West Texas, has a lot of Seattle connections. Notably, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos started the project with a $40 million investment. Two other Washington companies...
Nov 1, 2017 | Culture of Creativity
You’d think that in this world of smartphones, digital assistants and tablets that Seattle, the epicenter of high tech, would take a backseat when it comes to something as old school as reading and writing. But the United Nations Education, Scientific and...