CES 2024
January 9-12, 2024Venetian Expo, Booth #55832
Washington State Directory
CES 2024 Directory
In addition to the listings below, you can also view and download a digital version of our print directory that will be available at the show. The directory and download icon are on the right. You can also view it full screen if you wish.

#1 Best State
U.S. News

#1 Best Economy

In Goods Shipped Worldwide Last Year
Washington State Exhibitors

ai LaMo
The world needs AI literacy, not complexity. ai LaMo is on a mission to make AI education accessible, fun and effective for everyone—anywhere, anytime. Dubbed the ‘Duolingo for AI,’ our platform offers a unique AI-native learning experience to over 60,000 users globally. It artfully blends gamification with practical AI tool interactions, making learning both intuitive and enjoyable. Learn more at aiLaMo.com.
Rene Bystron, CEO
Phone: +1 (917) 301-8075
Email: rene@ailamo.com

Artly Coffee
Artly Coffee utilizes the latest technology in AI, Robotics and Computer Vision to make the perfect latte each and every time. We currently have 8 locations in Seattle, Portland, NYC and the Bay Area, and are excited to exponentially grow come the new year. Our award-winning beans combined with the precision of our robotic barista makes for a memorable experience.
Daniel Lee, VP of Business Development
Phone: +1 (415) 420-8109
Email: daniel@bluehill.coffee
Alec Roig, Hardware Development Engineer & TPM
Phone: +1 (773) 668-7774
Email: alec@bluehill.coffee

Forma Vision
Forma Vision’s holographic collaboration service enables us to communicate and collaborate naturally, as if in the same room together using real-time holograms. This meeting service is for business professionals who prefer to meet with others as their authentic selves in the metaverse, as opposed to an avatar persona. Essentially, this is the closest to teleportation the world has ever seen.
Abhay Mahajan, CFO
Phone: +1 (437) 326-0228
Email: abhay@formavision.io

Sigma Design
At SIGMADESIGN, we are product development solution experts defined by our diverse capabilities and genuine enthusiasm for new challenges. We do more than solve complex problems. We adapt and innovate, working behind the scenes to ensure our partners’ success.
Joby Easton, VP of Business Development
Phone: +1 (360) 693-2600
Email: jeaston@sigmadzn.com
Craig Baerealdt, Business Development Manager
Phone: +1 (206) 200-8143
Email: cbaerwaldt@sigmadzn.com

Dharma Maps | TREAD Map
The Dharma Maps Platform uses radical collaboration to help people and communities find their way. TREAD Map is our first implementation of the platform – a map-based social media for outdoor recreation that is Waze meets Trip Advisor meets X, creating a flywheel that stimulates and gives back to local economies and community.
Marc Rothmeyer, CEO
Phone: +1 (206) 295-9310
Email: marc@dharmamaps.com
Mat Lyons, Executive Director
Phone: +1 (509) 433-8212
Email: mat.lyons@tread-cw.com

Violett Inc.
Violett began from a DoD need to keep critical service members safe on submarines, and has developed into the world’s most effective air disinfection technology. We are proven via 3rd party testing to kill viruses a million times more effectively than a standard air purifier, and to prevent transmission of Covid-19 if we treat the air. Violett has over 300 healthcare customers and prioritizes helping the most vulnerable first.
Brandon Doyle, CEO
Phone: +1 (206) 573-0313
Email: brandon@violett.com
Scott Starke, Chief Commercial Officer
Phone: +1 (206) 962-0139
Email: scott@violett.com

Autev, Inc.
At Autev, we specialize in innovative electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions, blending cutting-edge technology with user-centric design. Our flagship Autonomous EV Robot and Battery Systems revolutionize the charging experience, offering autonomous navigation and efficient energy management.
Sydhrth Manna, Co-Founder
Phone: +1 (801) 836-5863
Email: syd@autev.com
Osama AlSalloum, Founder, CEO
Phone: +1 (801) 836-5863
Email: osama@autev.com
Our CES 2024 Team
Our team of business experts stands at the ready to help you do business in and with Washington State. Whether you want to locate a new facility or partner with a leading edge Washington company, we are ready to help you expand.
Julie Monahan
International Trade Specialist
Washington State
Department of Commerce
+1 (206) 256-6147
Apply for an export voucher and reduce your export-related expenses
The Washington State Department of Commerce’s Export Voucher Program provides direct cash assistance to qualifying small businesses to help them expand their international sales.

The State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) is funded through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.