Dubai Air Show

Nov. 17-21, 2019

The Dubai Air Show features 1,300 exhibitors, 165 aircraft on display and draws attendees and customers from around the world. Washington State will have a delegation at the show, which features specialized areas focusing on cargo operations, commercial space and airport solutions.


Visit us at the Choose Washington exhibitors at #1464.
Executive Package: $5,000

Includes a dedicated display case with your company logo and pre-arranged customized business-to-business meetings provided by Commerce’s foreign representatives based in the UAE who will confirm meetings, attend meetings if needed and provide support throughout the show.

Available on a first come, first served basis.

Delegate Package: $4,000

Shared space within the Washington state branded booth, fixed point from which to work the show, meeting space and more.

Both packages include:

  • Shared space within the Washington state branded booth.
  • Fixed point to work the show from and Washington state staff available so that you can meet with potential clients and new contacts without leaving your area unattended.
  • Build relationships with other Washington companies.
  • Meeting space to sit down with contacts in Washington state booth.
  • Access to the U.S. Pavilion visitor lounge, private meeting space, business center, WiFi, free non-alcoholic beverages and invitation to events.
  • Company logo and message in rotation on monitor located in shared booth space.
  • Exposure through a variety of marketing channels including listing in official show guide, a full-page listing in our Washington state show directory, press kit, social media and more.
  • Your collateral materials displayed in the exhibit space.
  • Group rates on hotel (deadline applies).
  • Exhibitor badge to the show – Additional delegates: $500.
Being part of our exciting Washington state branded booth makes it affordable and effective for you to market your products and services, find high-value sales opportunities, meet potential partners or distributors, strengthen existing connections and stay current with competitors’ activity and industry trends.

Aerospace Team Contacts

Amandine Crabtree, Aerospace International Trade Specialist – Email:, Phone: (206) 485-8541

Michele Ko, Special Projects Manager – Email:, Phone: (206) 256-6102


Export Vouchers Available!

The Washington State Department of Commerce offers eligible small businesses export vouchers up to $5,000 to help offset some of the costs associated with export-related activities such as international trade show fees, airfare, and shipping of samples. Financial assistance to support the Export Voucher Program is provided in part by a grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Contact Michele Ko to learn more and apply.


Learn more about the 2019 Dubai Air Show

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