Hannover Messe

April 12-16, 2021

A technology powerhouse.

4th highest EV sales in 2018

57% of all services exported by the state are technology-related

500,000+ STEM workers

Third-lowest average per kWh cost in the nation

73% of energy production comes from renewable sources

As the world starts to turn the corner on a global pandemic, Washington State is positioned to lead the way in the U.S., thanks to its diversified portfolio of high-growth industries, collaborative culture, and top-tier workforce bent on creating the next big thing.

 Washington is particularly well positioned to advance opportunities in automation, technology, equipment, software, robotics, systems and additive manufacturing systems. This includes early state R&D, engineering, product development and production. The state’s global reputation as a technology hotbed connects seemingly divergent industries in ever-changing ways, creating unparalleled invention and innovation at every turn.

A large pool of highly skilled, highly qualified workers continue to spur additional economic growth. Washington is a leader in STEM graduates and materials engineers and the vast majority of graduates from the state’s leading technology colleges and universities continue to call the state home after graduation. When combined with the state’s low-cost energy – 73% emanating from renewable energy sources, a commitment to being 100% dependent on clean energy sources by 2045, and a quality of life that is second to none, Washington State is a great place to do business, whether you’re interested in a new investment opportunity, supply chain partnership, or international trade relationships.

Expand your business internationally.

Washington State businesses understand the power of tapping overseas markets. Last year, $41.3 billion in goods were shipped worldwide by more than 12,000 businesses statewide, 90% of those small to medium-sized companies. 

Washington State Delegates

AeroGo, Inc.

AeroGo manufactures innovative load moving equipment, utilizing wheels and hovercraft technology that move heavy, awkward, or delicate loads in factories. Companies large and small find benefit from our worldwide dealer network, experienced product specialists, and skilled engineers. We work with you to find a load moving solution that is safe, efficient and cost-effective. Contact: Florian Maurer Regional Manager, Europe +49 173 49 110 11 maurer.f@aerogo.com

Creative Motion Corporation

Headquartered near Seattle, Washington, Creative Motion Control (CMC) manufactures heavy duty electric linear actuators driven by CMC’s roller screw and patented bearing technologies; giving CMC a world-leading advantage in dynamic load capability. The CPD-800 is rated at 556kN and the CPD-1000 is rated at an incredible 1112kN.

Chuck Gillam
President and General Manager
+1 425 519 9945

DEA Incorporated

DEA Incorporated offers custom design/assembly of electrical equipment, control panels (UL508A), PLC/HMI programming, electrical-mechanical assembly, and on-site/remote support services. DEA Incorporated manufactures a complete line of rugged electrical power distribution equipment specially designed for the harsh mining environment.

Beau Parent
Business Development Manager
+1 509 808 904

Eagle Harbor Technologies, Inc.

EHT provides innovative pulsed-power solutions to solve challenging problems for commercial and research markets. EHT’s precision pulsed-power systems are used by prime contractors, medical device companies, small businesses, government researchers, and universities to advance low-temperature plasmas, fusion energy science, water treatment, combustion, semiconductor processing, space propulsion, and many other applications. Contact: Timothy Ziemba President +206-582-1240 ziemba@eagleharbortech.com

Hexas Biomass Inc.

Hexas Biomass Inc. is a producer and supplier of regenerative, plant-based raw material that can substitute for wood and fossil fuel-based feedstocks in multiple applications like bioenergy, fiberboards, textiles, pulp & paper, biochemicals, and more. We produce our raw material from our proprietary giant perennial grass called Xano Grass™.

Wendy Owens
+1 360 890 0775

Proctor Products Co, Inc.

Best in class manufacturer of steel and aluminum parts, tools, fixtures, ground support equipment, and turnkey assemblies. Precision lathe, machining, and painting in-house. ISO-9001 and ITAR certified. Contact: Aaron Jones President +1 360 912 9015 aaron.jones@proctorp.com


Taqtile currently offers a complete, end-to-end augmented and mixed-reality work instruction software product called Manifest. Manifest gives frontline workers instant access to step-by-step guidance from your most experienced technicians and trainers anywhere, anytime.

Matt Bourland
Account Executive
+1 206 595 0008

Commerce Live Stream events

Washington State: Global Leadership in Aviation Technologies – How New Technologies are Changing the Way We Fly

How Washington State companies are changing the way they design, develop, manufacture and fly new aircraft, and how to become part of this next century of aviation excellence.

Speaker: Robin Toth, Governor’s Sector Lead – Aerospace, Washington State Department of Commerce

April 13, 2021

3:00 PM to 3:25 PM (CEST) 6:00 AM to 6:25 AM (PDT)

Washington State Technology Sector Overview – Washington State Where Top Talents Meet Dynamic, Can-Do Culture of Creativity

Learn about Washington State’s thriving information and communication technology sector, home to Amazon, Microsoft, and more. Discover why more companies are choosing to locate in Washington or invest in Seattle’s startup ecosystem.

Speaker: Steven Maheshwary, Governor’s Sector Lead – Information, Communication, & Technology, Washington State Department of Commerce

April 13, 2021

3:30 PM to 3:55 PM (CEST) 6:30 AM to 6:55 AM (PDT)

Washington State: The US Leader in Clean Energy and Technology – Why Washington State is the Place to Research, Develop and Deploy Cutting Edge Clean Technology

An overview of Washington State’s leading role in policy to fight climate change and deploy renewable resources. We will discuss Washington’s leading role in research and development of clean energy technologies as well as the business climate and entrepreneurial spirit that makes Washington State the place for clean technology development.

Speaker: Brian Young, Governor’s Sector Lead – Clean Technology, Washington State Department of Commerce 

April 13, 2021

4:30 PM to 4:55 PM (CEST) 7:30 AM to 7:55 AM (PDT)

Fusion panel Live Stream 

Washington State Commercial Fusion Energy

Speaker: Brian Young, Governor’s Sector Lead – Clean Technology, Washington State Department of Commerce 

Speaker: Chris Ajemian, VP Business Development, CTFusion

Speaker: Timothy Ziemba, President, Eagle Harbor Technologies

April 14, 2021

3:00 PM to 3:25 PM (CEST) 6:00 AM to 6:25 AM (PDT)

Delegates Live Stream Events 

An Ideal Solution for Moving Heavy Loads in Assembly Lines – Innovative Load Moving Solutions

Speaker: Florian Maurer, Regional Manager, Europe, AeroGo, Inc.

April 13, 2021

1:30 PM to 1:55 PM (CEST) 4:30 AM to 4:55 AM (PDT)

Digital Intelligence and its Influence on the Human Machine Interface (HMI) Industries

Speaker: Beau Parent, Business development Manager, DEA Incorporated

April 13, 2021

3:00 PM to 3:25 PM (CEST) 6:00 AM to 6:25 AM (PDT)

Extreme Force Electric Linear Actuators from Creative Motion Control

Electric actuators from CMC rated for continuous loads of up to 1112Kn.

Speaker: Chuck Gillam, General Manager, Creative Motion Control

April 13, 2021

5:00 PM to 5:25 PM (CEST) 8:00 AM to 8:25 AM (PDT)

An export expert is always nearby.

Exports are drive much of the state’s economy. It’s estimated that nearly a third of the state’s economic growth can be attributed directly to exports and almost half of the new jobs created in the state are export related. Leading this growth in exports is the Department of Commerce, which works closely with businesses who are exporting now or want to export in the future.

Our Hannover Messe 2021 Team

Washington State maintains a network of foreign offices to provide no-cost international business development assistance and attract foreign investment. Our team of business experts stands at the ready to help you do business in and with Washington State. Whether you want to locate a new facility or partner with a leading edge Washington company, we are ready to help you expand.

Brian Young

Brian Young

Governor’s Sector Lead – Clean Technology

Washington State
Department of Commerce

+1 206 291 3275


Robin Toth

Robin Toth

Governor’s Sector Lead – Aerospace

Washington State
Department of Commerce

+1 206 507 6409


Steven Maheshwary

Steven Maheshwary

Governor’s Sector Lead – Information, Communication, & Technology

Washington State
Department of Commerce

+1 206 665 5083


Tammy Deets

Tammy Deets

International Trade Specialist

Washington State
Department of Commerce

+1 206 256 6154


Lucy Atkinson

Lucy Atkinson

Europe Representative

Washington State
Department of Commerce

+44 (0) 7899 804 036


Evan Wendlandt

Evan Wendlandt

Business Development Manager

Washington State
Department of Commerce

+1 206 482 8795


Apply for an export voucher and reduce your export-related expenses

The Washington State Department of Commerce’s Export Voucher Program provides direct cash assistance to qualifying small businesses to help them expand their international sales.

The State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) is funded through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.