Washington’s 39 Counties

Click on any county on the map to see demographics. To learn more, scroll down to see a brief description of each county or click on the name to visit the local economic development site.
<p><img src=”http://vjp3w65mpch.c.updraftclone.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/help-with-site-county-map1.jpg” usemap=”#image-map”></p><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><map name=”image-map”><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Whatcom County” alt=”Whatcom County” coords=”309,70,509,68,522,46,507,14,264,13,303,72,306,67″ shape=”poly” href=”http://www.choosewhatcom.com” target=”_blank”><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Skagit County” alt=”Skagit County” coords=”310,75,287,102,319,126,480,129,481,104,492,87,519,70″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19818″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Snohomish County” alt=”Snohomish County” coords=”320,214,475,211,468,189,477,165,494,141,486,133,319,131,303,140,341,173″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19825″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”King County” alt=”King County” coords=”319,289,351,299,387,314,422,319,448,313,434,288,457,256,478,223,467,213,322,218″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19764″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Pierce County” alt=”Pierce County” coords=”281,329,324,366,366,380,402,375,432,373,424,357,440,327,302,293,271,285″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19806″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Clallam County” alt=”Clallam County” coords=”38,195,246,197,241,154,30,114″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19732″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”San Juan County” alt=”San Juan County” coords=”179,35,190,112,271,109,278,59″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19808″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Island County” alt=”Island County” coords=”286,110,231,123,317,197,324,180″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19760″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Jefferson County” alt=”Jefferson County” coords=”46,200,73,251,178,256,177,242,245,240,286,197,271,161,247,164,248,203″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19762″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Mason County” alt=”Mason County” coords=”184,247,186,326,236,325,262,310,263,262,228,259,239,245″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19787″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Kitsap County” alt=”Kitsap County” coords=”296,191,239,252,268,255,269,277,311,282,306,206″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19766″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Grays Harbor County” alt=”Grays Harbor County” coords=”221,374,106,375,75,257,177,259,179,326,216,331″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19757″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Thurston County” alt=”Thurston County” coords=”224,379,330,377,280,335,265,316,235,329,222,331″ shape=”poly” href=”http://www.thurstonedc.com” target=”_blank”><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Pacific County” alt=”Pacific County” coords=”109,462,150,461,149,442,194,441,196,381,106,380″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19791″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Wahkiakum County” alt=”Wahkiakum County” coords=”214,486,214,444,152,443,154,463″ shape=”poly” href=”http://cathlametchamber.com” target=”_blank”><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Cowlitz County” alt=”Cowlitz County” coords=”270,523,310,509,329,505,336,494,335,446,218,446,219,474″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19740″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Lewis County” alt=”Lewis County” coords=”200,440,438,439,433,423,439,388,433,378,375,385,202,382″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19772″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Clark County” alt=”Clark County” coords=”272,563,332,580,336,502,271,526″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19735″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Skamania County” alt=”Skamania County” coords=”337,578,423,551,417,544,413,501,423,497,424,444,339,444,339,453″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19820″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Chelan County” alt=”Chelan County” coords=”531,93,488,100,503,151,476,180,481,212,481,241,537,287,592,298,604,293,574,275,579,246,587,212,611,211,624,187,571,158,538,118″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19729″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Kittitas County” alt=”Kittitas County” coords=”618,383,556,383,551,368,538,357,486,354,447,321,452,301,443,280,473,243,534,287,568,301,606,304″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19768″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Yakima County” alt=”Yakima County” coords=”429,497,629,497,628,406,613,390,552,388,535,364,485,358,443,329,437,359,447,390,444,435,433,452″ shape=”poly” href=”http://www.chooseyakima.com” target=”_blank”><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Klickitat County” alt=”Klickitat County” coords=”429,552,417,501,628,504,630,534,555,558,468,573″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19770″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Okanogan County” alt=”Okanogan County” coords=”515,15,758,15,758,181,746,180,731,154,707,158,675,165,648,163,631,169,624,181,570,145,536,90″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19790″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Douglas County” alt=”Douglas County” coords=”742,184,730,156,678,167,648,168,628,182,615,216,590,221,580,264,602,283,613,303,629,269,669,265″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19731″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Grant County” alt=”Grant County” coords=”741,191,672,267,632,274,617,312,620,354,625,395,638,403,677,388,691,392,691,354,741,354″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19755″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Benton County” alt=”Benton County” coords=”637,531,633,408,677,391,692,410,706,433,706,464,744,497,734,514″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19704″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Ferry County” alt=”Ferry County” coords=”762,16,763,184,778,189,800,191,817,203,817,172,835,158,843,134,841,91,843,43,837,15″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19741″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Lincoln County” alt=”Lincoln County” coords=”745,298,884,297,883,207,858,213,837,191,818,204,747,186″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19785″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Adams County” alt=”Adams County” coords=”698,386,836,383,863,371,870,339,868,301,746,301,746,355,695,360″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19698″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Franklin County” alt=”Franklin County” coords=”695,388,834,386,840,408,799,410,785,431,758,459,733,475,716,458,708,423,692,401″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19745″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Walla Walla County” alt=”Walla Walla County” coords=”746,504,864,505,862,475,851,473,847,459,834,459,833,412,793,426,769,455,739,479″ shape=”poly” href=”http://portwallawalla.com/” target=”_blank”><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Columbia County” alt=”Columbia County” coords=”869,505,913,506,910,454,892,431,880,429,881,408,837,416,838,449,853,455,855,467,868,468″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19738″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Garfield County” alt=”Garfield County” coords=”916,503,927,504,930,487,937,485,934,445,947,438,960,438,931,395,899,394,885,423,903,433,914,449″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19751″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Asotin County” alt=”Asotin County” coords=”932,506,999,509,994,477,985,439,955,441,939,445,941,484,934,491″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19701″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Whitman County” alt=”Whitman County” coords=”983,303,981,433,964,437,934,390,902,387,886,401,845,411,839,387,870,370,875,339,873,302″ shape=”poly” href=”http://www.seweda.org/” target=”_blank”><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Spokane County” alt=”Spokane County” coords=”982,297,982,170,923,173,922,211,904,202,890,210,888,300″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19828″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Pend Oreille County” alt=”Pend Oreille County” coords=”983,166,984,16,937,16,931,30,923,46,919,60,914,68,931,68,929,154,937,168″ shape=”poly” <a id=”overlay_unique_id_19801″><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><area title=”Stevens County” alt=”Stevens County” coords=”844,16,931,15,909,67,912,74,924,73,919,206,902,194,890,202,872,201,859,207,841,187,826,190,822,174,839,163,849,137″ shape=”poly” href=”http://www.teddonline.com/” target=”_blank”></map><!– [et_pb_line_break_holder] –><p> </p>
Adams County

The economy of Adams County is rooted in agriculture and livestock while interspersed with recreation and tourism opportunities that feature pre-historic ice-age flood channels, lakes and streams.

Asotin County

The river and highway system pair with available industrial land, tax incentives and an educated workforce to provide small-town hospitality with a commitment to business and industry.

Benton County

The metropolitan service area within Benton County is highly focused on technology and ranks highly as one of the most secure mid-sized cities in America.

Chelan County

Centrally located in Washington State, Chelan County provides easy access to domestic and international markets, some of the lowest power rates in the country, and healthy and vibrant agriculture and tourism industries.

Clallam County

Clallam County’s peninsula location makes it a natural choice for resource industries.

Clark County

A focus on semi-conductors, high technology and services makes Clark County a hub for innovation.

Columbia County

Significant infrastructure provides easy global access for Columbia County businesses.

Cowlitz County

Key designations make Cowlitz County a natural choice for businesses seeking global markets.

Douglas County

Affordable power and land, broadband, competitive labor rates and year-round recreation combine to make Douglas County a top choice for businesses.

Ferry County

Affordable land and diverse cultural and recreational opportunities set Ferry County apart as a unique place for business.

Franklin County

Franklin County is a top choice for companies seeking access to major markets and affordable power.

Garfield County

Garfield County offers a quality educational system, strong local health services and year-round recreation for both businesses and families.

Grant County

Grant County is an excellent choice for industrial expansion due to a ready and able workforce, affordable power and land and an extensive transportation network.

Grays Harbor

Washington’s only deep water port on the Pacific Ocean, Grays Harbor County is emerging as a leader in green manufacturing, seafood processing, boat building, shipping, agriculture and tourism.

Island County

Low crime and high scholastic achievement have created a strong environment for business ownership.

Jefferson County

Arts and culture, marine technology, manufacturing, tourism and agriculture combine to form the cornerstones of Jefferson County’s economy.

King County

The highly educated workforce, exceptional quality of life, entrepreneurial culture, and strategic location – midway between Asia and Europe – attract companies to King County.

Kitsap County

A diverse economy and picturesque oceanfront setting make Kitsap County a top choice for business.

Kittitas County

Centrally located at the crossroads of two major interstates in the heart of Washington state, Kittitas County boasts a mix of towering timbered mountains and expansive range land.

Klickitat County

Conveniently located along a major interstate between Seattle and Portland, Klickitat County’s affordable land and workforce make it a natural choice for business.

Lewis County

Businesses have flourished in the supportive environment deliberately created in Lewis County, resulting in solid business growth and expansion.

Lincoln County

Business and community leaders are diversifying the county’s economic base by adding value to their resources and utilizing the low real estate prices to attract new business.

Mason County

Mason County provides easy access to major interstates, affordable land and economic engine driven by value-added forest products, manufacturing and shellfish industries.

Okanogan County

With great broadband coverage, technology companies have strategically located in the Methow Valley and throughout the county. Value-added agriculture is also playing a key role in the diversification of Okanogan County’s economy.

Pacific County

With over 25 miles of beach area located along the Pacific Ocean, coastal living in Pacific County provides exciting activities and endless small business possibilities.

Pend Oreille County

Light manufacturing, value-added wood products and recreational products are just a few of the industries found within Pend Oreille County.

Pierce County

World class companies and innovative entrepreneurs locate in Pierce County for the talented workforce, great business climate and exciting array of housing, cultural and educational choices.

San Juan County

Partnerships with educational institutions such as Skagit Valley College San Juan Center branch or the world-renowned Friday Harbor Labs marine research facility of the University of Washington provide San Juan County with a skilled workforce.

Skagit County

An available workforce with a tremendous work ethic, excellent local schools, a great community college, affordable housing, outstanding healthcare and cooperative local agencies make Skagit County a great business location.

Skamania County

Skamania County offers a state-of-the-art telecommunications network, and developing opportunities for education, social and health services, and business services.

Snohomish County

Located 15 miles north of Seattle, Snohomish is one of the largest counties in Washington State, home to the Boeing company’s largest assembly plant as well as thriving cities, rich agricultural land and many small communities that give it its rich character and unparalleled quality of life.

Spokane County

Spokane, the second-largest city in Washington State, serves as the business, transportation, medical, industrial and cultural hub of the Inland Northwest.

Stevens County

With four distinct seasons, unlimited recreational opportunities and a diverse economy, Stevens County is an ideal place to live and do business.

Thurston County

Home to the State Capitol and the seat of Washington’s state government, Thurston county is a hotbed of professional services.

Wahkiakum County

Wahkiakum County is progressing with many new street improvements and housing developments, old buildings being remodeled into office and retail spaces, and future plans for an industrial business park to incubate new businesses.

Walla Walla County

With three colleges, Walla Walla County businesses find a competitive and well-trained workforce that provides a diversified economy.

Whatcom County

Whatcom County’s leading edge data and telecommunications resources plus an emerging technology cluster make it a desirable business setting while creating a climate for business growth.

Whitman County

Businesses in Whitman County find an abundance of hydroelectric power and natural gas, available industrial park sites, commercial property, sufficient infrastructure, excellent transportation systems, access to research and education, leading-edge telecommunications and a comfortable lifestyle.

Yakima County

Yakima County’s accessible location gives businesses efficient access to Pacific Northwest markets, and the region’s affordable, sunny lifestyle spurs employee satisfaction.

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